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Resource: Jasper Ore

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Resource Name:Joes Buying Price:Store Selling Price:Store Selling Name:
Jasper Ore 2,694 Not Available
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Resonating Drive Unit
Settlement StructureRaptor Mech Chassis Rev 1
Raptor Mech Chassis Rev 2Predator Mech Chassis
Light-Foot Mech Chassis Rev 1Light-Foot Mech Chassis Rev 2
Hunter Mech ChassisThumper Mech Chassis Rev1
Thumper Mech Chassis Rev2Thumper Mech Chassis Rev3
Targetting System Rev 1Targetting System Rev 2
Targetting System Rev 3Targetting System Rev 4
High Speed Chase SystemMagnetic Containment
Chrono Firing SystemMagnetic Chassis Mount
Phaser Cannon Chassis MountIntrepid Rapid Fire Cannon
Containment UnitDeep Core Heavy Retrieval MK1
Deep Core Heavy Retrieval MK2Deep Core Heavy Retrieval MK3
Deep Core Heavy Retrieval MK4Uni Data Storage
Settlement Expander UnitEnvironmental Control

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