Monday, 15 September 2008

Shortlisted for Computing Awards 2008!

If anyone still reads this or gets the email shot:

This project gained a fantastic classification (when researching previous projects, I was told that grades should not be released with the project for some reaons...) and the best Information Systems award 2008 (University of Portsmouth). This gave me the confidence to enter for the Computing Awards 2008 Student Project, kinda the bafta for computing. I will admit I wasn't expecting much, but after all it was the last free entry I could do, and I thought it had protential to impress a judge or two.

So, an email drops into my inbox from the Computing Awards. Turns out I (and this project) have been shortlisted for the award! Needless to say I will be celebrating when I get home tonight!

Thanks again to all the testers & users of the application, and I hope you are still finding the application useful. I will keep you all up to date on the progress of these awards.


Saturday, 26 April 2008

1.10 Released

A delayed blog post notifying everyone that version 1.10 is a final release. This artefact is done, packed and the write up is almost complete.

I wish to thank everyone who helped in this project - You have been a real help, and if you bump into me, I owe you a pint!

And with that, this is probably the last post. I might make a couple of alterations as I feel, and anything major write about.

As for these pages? I'll keep them online for the next few years or until the domain doesn't get renewed, whichever is sooner. End of the academic year all your data will be removed from the database, but this service will still be about. If anything breaks, let me know and I will see if I can fix it.

All comments and questions should be re-directed to or posted in this post.

Its been a great couple of months, and I have really enjoyed working on this project, but everything has to end one day.

Enjoy this - and everyone who helped please keep in touch :)

Enjoy! and Farewell!


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Friday, 7 March 2008

version 1.10 is almost ready...

Version 1.1 - The first beta prototype will soon be ready for use to students on the CAM department.

I have finished the website and it is all fully functional. My last step before release is to get the java application working successfully with the user set options, and the deadlines.

As soon as that is complete, I will be working on smaller behind the scenes tasks, including the themes and colour coding.

More Soon.


Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Userpage complete

I now have a fully functional user page where you can choose what preferences you want, and what deadlines you have, and the option to create them. They are live linked to the database, so anything you do will reference on the application on your next login. Deadlines will be uploaded on your next sync.

Saying that, I don't have the sync engine or login engine updated to reference this new information... so I am working on that. This will require an application update once it has been completed.

Feedback welcome - you can drop me an email or you can post on this blog. Whatever is easiest for you.


Monday, 3 March 2008


Hello and welcome - if you are reading this then you are either part of, or interested in THESIS - The Student Information System. This blog will keep you up to date on the latest news and updates on the application. This will also allow you to comment on any posts in here.

Its worth while putting a RSS reader onto this blog so you know when there has been an update.

For now, I am finishing the web side of the project, and will let you know when the application is read for download.